O ex-primeiro-ministro britânico Truss visitou Taiwan
Former British Prime Minister Truss visited Taiwan
O Ministério das Relações Exteriores informou no dia 9 que a ex-primeira-ministra britânica Liz Truss visitará Taiwan de 16 a 20. Ele se reunirá com altos funcionários do governo e fará um discurso a convite da Vision Foundation. Truss emitiu um comunicado apontando que as palavras e ações do regime de Pequim se tornaram cada vez mais agressivas.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported on the 9th that former British Prime Minister Liz Truss will visit Taiwan from the 16th to the 20th. He will meet with senior government officials and give a speech at the invitation of the Vision Foundation. Truss issued a statement noting that the Beijing regime's words and actions had become increasingly aggressive.
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