sábado, 25 de junho de 2022

 Television channels and hospitals close because abortion is no longer legal, entire populations go underground. Certificates of perfection are required by border authorities and services. Abortions must be culled immediately. The great controversy is that it was the progressives of the left who satisfied the law of the conservatives of the right.

 The most incognitos invested are the practical example of predecessor rivals. Once Putin's name appears in the abortion files like much of the Russian and Ukrainian population, the combat territory is empty. The anti-abortion law is the most restrictive manipulation of the population that will disappear.

sexta-feira, 24 de junho de 2022

 O psicopata criminoso Aníbal Cavaco Silva, plebeu das facções comunistas de direita que por dignidade e boa moral nunca deveria ter sido presidente da república, aparece nos media como figura pretensiosa. Mais um sobre a constituição terrorista de 1976, um que em 2012/2013 deu azo a novas leis em prol do nazismo pró comunista de direita. Fazia bem em se lavar com sabão azul, ele e os negros saídos do estábulo de Portalegre. Tais bois e vacas lésbicas defensores dos ideais pacifistas e no fundo são apenas os carrascos de tão puta nação. O tal novo Portugal, pedinte e de crescente endividamento.

quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2022

 Como nos livrar do demoníaco Partido Socialista no poder, da incompetência e da mentira comum a todos os dias. Já tremem as vacas da tribuna enquanto o boneco negróide cheio de corda justifica a podridão do Serviço Nacional de Saúde onde abundam como em final de guerra os cadetes, os velhos e os de péssima conduta. A anarquia instalada pela governação a esquerda e a demagogia das aldrabices que levaram o maldito povo a votar na maioria absoluta. Com dinheiro emprestado dos quatro cantos do mundo se vão vendendo contra qualquer modalidade. Num futuro inseguro cairá a facção maioritária de párias e da burla para dar lugar a extrema direita e consequentemente a monarquia. A coroa sobre as armas. Deus, Pátria e Rei.

sábado, 11 de junho de 2022

 Any citizen is helpless when he drinks tea, drinks a drink or smokes a cigarette with his right hand. With the generality shot in the scarcity landscape, the British finally have the lead. Once the bridge between Russia and China is opened, the transport of goods between the red countries becomes more independent. Unconventional warfare is Russia's most sordid plan. And being beyond the law, human suffering is evident.

 At this point, tyranny is still unknown. Time will pass in an obsession of a Eurasian empire and the curse of men is just short of what seems to be the path to the holocaust. The price of weapons is their effectiveness and the spring and summer holidays still last. There is still a penny for the glasses.

sexta-feira, 10 de junho de 2022

 These assemblies to fill the minds and discuss the uselessness at length, what only one, the King, can decide. Just parasites that wash themselves every day and flush. Deputy, from a whore, deputy, from a whore. This scum of the falsely intellectual but physically rancid servants. These administrative masses to whom, by chance, they say the decision belongs. Women in sport enjoy masculine status, it's hormones acquired as men that make them winners.

 All these servants live above. Your job is short-lived. So come the new serf generation and truly chemically planned education so as not to give any problems. All these odes that live on futility and ignore reality. The whole people is mobilized for war.

quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2022

 In summer I will show my legs tattooed with snakes with Putin's head. Yes, as a married woman, I'm going to kick all the boys. I eat and drink with interest and choking, maybe next month I'll have to go on a diet, but that matters, as long as there's football and TV news. I have a tank full of eels to show my friends, fried or stewed with kiwi dessert. I'm out of life, but I got a good match. Now I'm honored, I've had a litter and I have a nice car.

 I forgot the beginnings, I appear with him in the camps and I make promises. My godmothers can tell me about my legs to the heat, naked to the fool. I have my fool and the kids. I want everyone to say I'm good and I make a lot of lizards. How good it is to go out on the balcony in lingerie and listen to whorewomen's hoots.

quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2022

 Although Russia is a regime of prisons, silence and fear, they are right when they say that the European Union is a simulated neo-Nazi regime. Several countries like the Netherlands have been tied to the EU just for the common debt. Happy those who manage to get out of the addicted and feminist system.

 The destruction of history is constant to blame the false interests of passifist thought. The lie of political power against man's virility. At five in the morning the idols become vampires and the armed repression satisfies the Nazi desires of the moral business justifying only wealth.

terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2022

 The state of war is stagnant in time to infinity, it's hell, both fronts fire heavy artillery and ballistic missiles in the open. The city's rubble hides the guerrillas, the news gives the Russians a small advance on the map. Fatalities may not be well accounted for. It is not understandable how channel two of Portuguese television constantly broadcasts eastern animations with the bear symbol and zigzag-type productions and other advertisements from the red Orient.

 So be careful with the cultural space and the poison introduced. Grain has already been stolen by land for the pro-Soviet bloc. Maduro asserts himself in power and smothers himself with gas and oil. Wouldn't it be better for the US to take drastic measures to these enemy attacks

segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2022

 How to live in the Sahara desert? The first reason is to smoke too much opium to resist, the second is to cover the droppings with sand. Take advantage of fossil fuels and import food products. When all these resources fail, have pity on those who really live today in the desert that were once fertile valleys and mountains. When your airline goes bankrupt, it will be normal, nobody will be doing tourism and everything is deserted.

 Many people do not believe in a drastic future, but that is just the optimism of socialist psychologists full of innovative ideas to show the futility of their profession. Change the ideas and principles of behavior and worn out public opinion that says it's going to rain. Watch the coast well because they are there. Catch the fish before it dies from the pollution.

 Nothing hurts your health more than your doctor. A charlatan interested only in filling his purse. His doctor is an opiate addict and leads a double life, his interest is in causing the disease and just signing the death certificate. In this context, the person from birth is controlled with hormones and injections. Programmed in the health system and judged by these pariahs who claim to be the owners of civilization and are the only ones with the right to corruption to justify saving lives, not going beyond shady business to get rich.

 Only they are excused from sexual perversity. If one day freedom was written, it is only up to them.

domingo, 5 de junho de 2022

 The last passhouse in Moscow. On a crumbling street, many are the men who come there for their alcoholic needs. Among them are always two or three prostitutes. Women very spoiled and with some age. They are there to earn a few rubles. Opposite the taco there is a pension that rents rooms by the hour. The women present already show a great weariness of what they do without pleasure, just for profession.

 The vodka bottle reserves are large and the glasses fill up quickly. The tasco is open all week even on Sundays. Known to all Moscow women as a last resort to find money. The affluence is constant even for smokers.

sábado, 4 de junho de 2022

 The pro-Russian agreements of African countries now make sense when the belly clenches with hunger. Although without words many have found the war contradictory, the prevailing morality reveals the face of the majority installed in the UN of the black skins that are in the wind. Not just from East and East financed wars for self-determination, but now en bloc in the economic survival of pestilent and backward Russians and friends.

 The tons of grain go into the mined sea to feed the self-serving Negroid monkeys that fill the UN benches despite having initially voted against the war. The colorful lollipops have birdseed of the Bolshevik Bear and popular in aid to Africa and the continent where India settles.

sexta-feira, 3 de junho de 2022

 Due to the fact that many countries already have their cereal reserves at the end, for one or a few more months, the alternative is the rice that still exists in large quantities in certain geographic places of the East. You can't do without bread, and it doesn't matter if it's made from rice. For the lack of rain is that there is no solution. A weather-free sky threatens us with drought and we cannot fight this adverse nature.

 Everything was plotted to decimate us, a civilizational cut predestined by futurologists. No bread, no water and war is neither the beautiful present nor the near future. But we hope to come the day of harmony, of love and of hope and peace. So, God help us for the world to come.

quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2022

 We tell Mr Joe Biden not to bring the latest technology to the battlefield as it will be an upgrade for the Russian enemy. The latest technology may not be the last. Let's show the opponent the classic and even now obsolete, but really capable of stopping the fronts and damaging the attacker's machine. Once the negotiations were a failure and new pacts on the road to peace did not materialize. Only in October will we know about Putin's wanton plans.

 Much has already done Ukraine and it has to be helped to further gains on the ground and demobilize the plans of such a malignancy. The sale of grain across the Black Sea will only fill the pockets of the Russian nation. It is neither too late nor too early for a boycott of the pro-Soviet war industry.